
7. Visual System

1. Which of the following statements best describes how a visual image is transmitted upon the retinal surface by the lens?

A. The visual image is projected onto the retina without distortion.
B. The image is reversed, from right to left only.
C. The image is reversed from right to left and inverted from top to bottom.
D. The image is inverted, from top to bottom.

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1. Which of the following statements best describes how a visual image is transmitted upon the retinal surface by the lens?


A. The visual image is projected onto the retina without distortion.
B. The image is reversed, from right to left only.
C. The image is reversed from right to left and inverted from top to bottom.
D. The image is inverted, from top to bottom.

2. Retinal ganglion cell axons leave the eye at the

A. optic disk
B. fovea
C. macula
D. optic nerve

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2. Retinal ganglion cell axons leave the eye at the


A. optic disk
B. fovea
C. macula
D. optic nerve

3. A patient is blind in one eye. Which of the following does not describe the patient’s visual fields?

A. The visual field of the sighted eye corresponds precisely to one hemifield in a normally sighted individual.
B. The monocular crescent of the sighted eye is not affected by blindness in the other eye.
C. There is a loss of overlap of the two visual fields.
D. The visual field of the sighted eye extends beyond the midline.

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3. A patient is blind in one eye. Which of the following does not describe the patient’s visual fields?


A. The visual field of the sighted eye corresponds precisely to one hemifield in a normally sighted individual.
B. The monocular crescent of the sighted eye is not affected by blindness in the other eye.
C. There is a loss of overlap of the two visual fields.
D. The visual field of the sighted eye extends beyond the midline.


Comment: The visual field of each eye normally extends beyond the midline, so that there is a central region of binocular overlap when the visual fields of each are considered together. The monocular crescents of each eye are independent; they do not overlap with the other. That is why they are called monocular.

4. The pigment epithelium of the eye serves which of the following functions?

A. Site of firm attachment of the retina
B. Phototransduction
C. Phagocytosis
D. Vascular support for the retina

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4. The pigment epithelium of the eye serves which of the following functions?


A. Site of firm attachment of the retina
B. Phototransduction
C. Phagocytosis
D. Vascular support for the retina

5. Which of the following best describes the retinal location of all ganglion cells that send their axon across the midline in the optic chiasm?

A. Nasal hemiretina
B. Temporal hemiretina
C. Superior retina
D. Inferior retina

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5. Which of the following best describes the retinal location of all ganglion cells that send their axon across the midline in the optic chiasm?


A. Nasal hemiretina
B. Temporal hemiretina
C. Superior retina
D. Inferior retina

6. The lateral geniculate nucleus receives input from

A. ipsilateral ganglion cells
B. contralateral ganglion cells
C. both ipsilateral and contralateral ganglion cells, sorted into separate layers
D. both ipsilateral and contralateral ganglion cells, with convergence of both eyes into certain layers

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6. The lateral geniculate nucleus receives input from


A. ipsilateral ganglion cells
B. contralateral ganglion cells
C. both ipsilateral and contralateral ganglion cells, sorted into separate layers
D. both ipsilateral and contralateral ganglion cells, with convergence of both eyes into certain layers

7. The inferior bank of the calcarine fissure at the occipital pole receives information, via the thalamus, from retinal ganglion cells

A. of the inferior peripheral retina
B. of the inferior central retina
C. of the superior peripheral retina
D. of the superior central retina

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7. The inferior bank of the calcarine fissure at the occipital pole receives information, via the thalamus, from retinal ganglion cells


A. of the inferior peripheral retina
B. of the inferior central retina
C. of the superior peripheral retina
D. of the superior central retina

8. Which of the following statements best describes the function of the projection of retinal ganglion cells to the midbrain?

A. Eye movement control and pupillary reflexes
B. Visual motion detection
C. Color vision
D. Form vision

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8. Which of the following statements best describes the function of the projection of retinal ganglion cells to the midbrain?


A. Eye movement control and pupillary reflexes
B. Visual motion detection
C. Color vision
D. Form vision

9. A patient has a scotoma, blinding a portion of the upper right visual field. Which of the following statements best describes the location of a lesion that could produce this visual field defect?

A. Parietal lobe
B. Occipital lobe
C. Temporal lobe
D. Where the fibers exit the lateral geniculate nucleus

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9. A patient has a scotoma, blinding a portion of the upper right visual field. Which of the following statements best describes the location of a lesion that could produce this visual field defect?


A. Parietal lobe
B. Occipital lobe
C. Temporal lobe
D. Where the fibers exit the lateral geniculate nucleus

10. Which statement best completes the following analogy? The magnocellular visual pathway is to the parvocellular pathway, as

A. color vision is to achromatic vision
B. daylight vision is to night vision
C. form and color vision is to visual motion
D. visual motion is to form and color vision

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10. Which statement best completes the following analogy? The magnocellular visual pathway is to the parvocellular pathway, as


A. color vision is to achromatic vision
B. daylight vision is to night vision
C. form and color vision is to visual motion
D. visual motion is to form and color vision

11. Which statement best completes the following analogy? The “what” visual pathway is to the “where” pathway, as

A. the middle cerebral artery is to the posterior cerebral artery
B. Brodmann’s area 3 is to area 17
C. temporal lobe is to parietal lobe
D. object localization is to object recognition

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11. Which statement best completes the following analogy? The “what” visual pathway is to the “where” pathway, as


A. the middle cerebral artery is to the posterior cerebral artery
B. Brodmann’s area 3 is to area 17
C. temporal lobe is to parietal lobe
D. object localization is to object recognition

12. Which of the following is not a major visual cortex column type?

A. Orientation
B. Ocular dominance
C. Color
D. Movement direction

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12. Which of the following is not a major visual cortex column type?


A. Orientation
B. Ocular dominance
C. Color
D. Movement direction

13. A patient is capable of central vision but has impaired peripheral vision bilaterally. Given this limited information, which of the following locations is the most likely site of damage?

A. Optic chiasm
B. Optic tract
C. Lateral geniculate nucleus
D. Primary visual cortex

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13. A patient is capable of central vision but has impaired peripheral vision bilaterally. Given this limited information, which of the following locations is the most likely site of damage?


A. Optic chiasm
B. Optic tract
C. Lateral geniculate nucleus
D. Primary visual cortex

All questions are obtained from Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas Fifth Edition, by John H. Martin, 2021. Copyright 2021 by McGraw Hill. Reprinted with permission. 

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