
6. Trigeminal and Viscerosensory

1. Which of the following choices does not list the cranial nerves in correct rostral-to-caudal order?

A. Optic, trochlear, abducens, glossopharyngeal, spinal accessory
B. Olfactory, oculomotor, facial, trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus
C. Oculomotor, facial, vagus, spinal accessory
D. Trochlear, trigeminal, vestibular, glossopharyngeal, spinal accessory

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1. Which of the following choices does not list the cranial nerves in correct rostral-to-caudal order?


A. Optic, trochlear, abducens, glossopharyngeal, spinal accessory
B. Olfactory, oculomotor, facial, trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus
C. Oculomotor, facial, vagus, spinal accessory
D. Trochlear, trigeminal, vestibular, glossopharyngeal, spinal accessory

2. Which of the listed statements best describes development of the cranial sensory and motor nerve nuclei?

A. Cranial nerve sensory nuclei develop from the alar plate, and motor nuclei, the basal plate.
B. Motor nuclei are displaced dorsally as the fourth ventricle matures.
C. Sensory nuclei are displaced ventrally as the fourth ventricle matures.
D. Body somites determine the developmental plan of the brain stem.

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2. Which of the listed statements best describes development of the cranial sensory and motor nerve nuclei?


A. Cranial nerve sensory nuclei develop from the alar plate, and motor nuclei, the basal plate.
B. Motor nuclei are displaced dorsally as the fourth ventricle matures.
C. Sensory nuclei are displaced ventrally as the fourth ventricle matures.
D. Body somites determine the developmental plan of the brain stem.

3. Which of the following statements best describes the spatial relationships between two cranial nerve nuclear columns?

A. The branchiomeric motor column is located dorsal to the somatic motor column.
B. The column for visceral sensations is located lateral to the column for somatic sensation.
C. The somatic motor column is located medial to the somatic sensory column.
D. The autonomic nuclei column is located ventral to the somatic sensory column.

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3. Which of the following statements best describes the spatial relationships between two cranial nerve nuclear columns?


A. The branchiomeric motor column is located dorsal to the somatic motor column.
B. The column for visceral sensations is located lateral to the column for somatic sensation.
C. The somatic motor column is located medial to the somatic sensory column.
D. The autonomic nuclei column is located ventral to the somatic sensory column.

4. The caudal nucleus of the spinal trigeminal nucleus is to the parabrachial nucleus, as

A. mechanosensation is to visceral sensation
B. visceral sensation is to thermal sensation
C. visceral sensation is to pain
D. pain is to visceral sensation

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4. The caudal nucleus of the spinal trigeminal nucleus is to the parabrachial nucleus, as


A. mechanosensation is to visceral sensation
B. visceral sensation is to thermal sensation
C. visceral sensation is to pain
D. pain is to visceral sensation

5. The cell bodies of jaw muscle receptors are located in

A. dorsal root ganglia
B. trigeminal ganglion
C. mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
D. interpolar trigeminal nucleus

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5. The cell bodies of jaw muscle receptors are located in


A. dorsal root ganglia
B. trigeminal ganglion
C. mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
D. interpolar trigeminal nucleus

6. Which of the following statements best describes the somatotopic organization of the caudal and interpolar trigeminal nuclei?

A. The interpolar nucleus represents the oral cavity, including the teeth, the rostral caudal nucleus represents the perioral face, and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the back of the face, close to the ear.
B. The interpolar nucleus represents the oral cavity, including the teeth, the rostral caudal nucleus represents the back of the face, close to the ear, and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the perioral face.
C. The interpolar nucleus represents the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, the rostral caudal nucleus represents the maxillary division, and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the mandibular division.
D. The interpolar nucleus represents the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, the rostral caudal nucleus represents the maxillary and mandibular divisions, and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the intermediate, vagal, and glossopharyngeal nerves.

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6. Which of the following statements best describes the somatotopic organization of the caudal and interpolar trigeminal nuclei?


A. The interpolar nucleus represents the oral cavity, including the teeth, the rostral caudal nucleus represents the perioral face, and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the back of the face, close to the ear.
B. The interpolar nucleus represents the oral cavity, including the teeth, the rostral caudal nucleus represents the back of the face, close to the ear, and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the perioral face.
C. The interpolar nucleus represents the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, the rostral caudal nucleus represents the maxillary division, and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the mandibular division.
D. The interpolar nucleus represents the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, the rostral caudal nucleus represents the maxillary and mandibular divisions, and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the intermediate, vagal, and glossopharyngeal nerves.

7. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) supplies which of the following structures?

A. Solitary nucleus
B. Oral trigeminal nucleus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Pyramid

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7. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) supplies which of the following structures?


A. Solitary nucleus
B. Oral trigeminal nucleus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Pyramid


Comment: The oral trigeminal nucleus is located rostral to the PICA territory. The medial lemniscus and the pyramid are supplied by direct branches of the vertebral artery.

8. A patient suffers from occlusion of PICA. Which of the following best describes his neurological impairment?

A. Contralateral loss of facial pain; contralateral loss of limb pain
B. Ipsilateral loss of facial pain; contralateral loss of limb pain
C. Contralateral loss of facial pain; ipsilateral loss of facial touch
D. Contralateral loss of taste; contralateral loss of facial and limb pain

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8. A patient suffers from occlusion of PICA. Which of the following best describes his neurological impairment?


A. Contralateral loss of facial pain; contralateral loss of limb pain
B. Ipsilateral loss of facial pain; contralateral loss of limb pain
C. Contralateral loss of facial pain; ipsilateral loss of facial touch
D. Contralateral loss of taste; contralateral loss of facial and limb pain


Comment: This is a classical sign; dissociation of the laterality of facial and limb pain. PICA occlusion spares facial and limb touch. It can produce taste loss—although this is not commonly tested—but this is on the ipsilateral side. Note that the crossed ascending trigeminothalamic projection is spared with PICA occlusion. This is because the axons ascend as they decussate and that they are likely not fully decussated until rostral to the PICA territory.

9. A patient has an impaired laryngeal closure reflex. Which of the following nuclei is important in processing mechanosensory information from the mucous membranes near the larynx?

A. Caudal solitary nucleus
B. Cuneate nucleus
C. Main trigeminal sensory nucleus
D. Gracile nucleus

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9. A patient has an impaired laryngeal closure reflex. Which of the following nuclei is important in processing mechanosensory information from the mucous membranes near the larynx?


A. Caudal solitary nucleus
B. Cuneate nucleus
C. Main trigeminal sensory nucleus
D. Gracile nucleus

10. The insular cortex represents

A. visceral organs
B. the contralateral face
C. sensory information from cranial nerves
D. sensory information from spinal nerves

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10. The insular cortex represents


A. visceral organs
B. the contralateral face
C. sensory information from cranial nerves
D. sensory information from spinal nerves

All questions are obtained from Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas Fifth Edition, by John H. Martin, 2021. Copyright 2021 by McGraw Hill. Reprinted with permission. 

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