
Commonly Tested Movements

Table 1. Commonly tested movements in the upper limb.
Movement UMN* Root Reflex Nerve Muscle
Shoulder abduction ++ C5   Axillary Deltoid
Elbow flexion   C5, C6 + Musculocutaneous Biceps
    C6 + Radial Brachioradialis
Elbow extension + C7 + Radial Triceps
Radial wrist extension + C6   Radial Extensor carpi radialis longus
Finger extension + C7   Posterior interosseous Extensor digitorum communis
Finger flexion   C8 + Anterior interosseous Flexor pollicis longus + Flexor digitorum profundus (index)
        Ulnar Flexor digitorum profundus (ring + little)
        Median All other flexors
Finger abduction ++ T1   Ulnar First dorsal interosseous
        Median Abductor pollicis brevis


Table 2. Commonly tested movements in the lower limb.
Movement UMN* Root Reflex Nerve Muscle
Hip flexion ++ L1, L2     Iliopsoas
Hip adduction   L2, L3 + Obturator Adductors
Hip extension   L5, S1   Sciatic Gluteus maximus
Knee flexion + S1   Sciatic Hamstrings
Knee extension   L3, L4 + Femoral Quadriceps
Ankle dorsiflexion ++ L4   Deep fibular Tibialis anterior
Ankle eversion   L5, S1   Superficial fibular Fibulares
Ankle plantarflexion   S1, S2 + Tibial Gastrocnemius, soleus
Ankle inversion   L4, L5   Tibial Tibialis posterior
Big toe extension   L5 Babinski Deep fibular Extensor hallucis longus

*Indicates movements which are preferentially weak in upper motor neuron lesions. 

From Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System Fifth Edition, by Michael O’Brien, 2010. Copyright 2020 by Saunders Ltd. Reprinted with permission. 

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