
16. Limbic System & Other Circuits

1. A patient with a rare memory disorder has an MRI. The neuroradiologist notes that the only significant change is that the hippocampal formation is degenerated. Which of the following statements best describes the most likely effect this would have on the image of the ventricular system?

A. There would be no change to the ventricular system because the degeneration is localized to the hippocampal formation.
B. This would be accompanied by shrinkage of the lateral ventricle.
C. This would be accompanied by enlargement of the entire ventricular system.
D. This would be accompanied by enlargement of only the ventral, or temporal, horn of the lateral ventricle system.

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1. A patient with a rare memory disorder has an MRI. The neuroradiologist notes that the only significant change is that the hippocampal formation is degenerated. Which of the following statements best describes the most likely effect this would have on the image of the ventricular system?


A. There would be no change to the ventricular system because the degeneration is localized to the hippocampal formation.
B. This would be accompanied by shrinkage of the lateral ventricle.
C. This would be accompanied by enlargement of the entire ventricular system.
D. This would be accompanied by enlargement of only the ventral, or temporal, horn of the lateral ventricle system.


Comment: Cerebral degenerative disorders generally result in loss of neurons without concomitant replacement with more glia, or glial scarring. As a consequence, the affected brain regions shrink in size. Because the cranial cavity is of a fixed volume, this is accompanied by an increase in the nearby ventricle/aqueduct. Recall that in patients with Alzheimer disease and Huntington disease, neural degeneration is associated with clear increases in the volume of the lateral ventricles.

2. Limbic cortical areas do not engage in primary sensory or motor functions. Rather, they integrate information, often from several cortical regions that are interconnected with the hippocampal formation, amygdala, or both. Which of the following is not considered a limbic cortical area?

A. Anterior cingulate cortex
B. Orbitofrontal cortex
C. Posterior insular cortex
D. Temporal pole

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2. Limbic cortical areas do not engage in primary sensory or motor functions. Rather, they integrate information, often from several cortical regions that are interconnected with the hippocampal formation, amygdala, or both. Which of the following is not considered a limbic cortical area?


A. Anterior cingulate cortex
B. Orbitofrontal cortex
C. Posterior insular cortex
D. Temporal pole


Comment: The posterior insular cortex is the primary cortical area for aspects of pain, visceral sensation, and vestibular function.

3. Which of the following best indicates a function of the orbitofrontal cortex?

A. Integration of olfactory and gustatory messages important for deciding to ingest something
B. Localization of stimuli in the space around us
C. Identification of familiar faces
D. Helping to establish the emotional aspect of pain

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3. Which of the following best indicates a function of the orbitofrontal cortex?


A. Integration of olfactory and gustatory messages important for deciding to ingest something
B. Localization of stimuli in the space around us
C. Identification of familiar faces
D. Helping to establish the emotional aspect of pain


Comment: Face identification is a function of the caudal-medial temporal lobe. Stimulation localization is mediated by the posterior parietal lobe. Emotional aspects of pain are mediated by the anterior cingulate gyrus.

4. Which part of the hippocampal formation is noted for receiving its input?

A. Parahippocampal gyrus
B. Subiculum
C. Hippocampus
D. Dentate gyrus

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4. Which part of the hippocampal formation is noted for receiving its input?


A. Parahippocampal gyrus
B. Subiculum
C. Hippocampus
D. Dentate gyrus


Comment: The parahippocampal gyrus is formally not part of the hippocampal formation. It does receive input from many different association areas of the cortex.

5. A patient is not able to discern the emotional content of facial expressions. Which of the following brain regions would be primarily affected?

A. Basolateral nuclei of the amygdala
B. Cortical nuclei of the amygdala
C. Posterior hippocampal formation
D. Temporal pole

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5. A patient is not able to discern the emotional content of facial expressions. Which of the following brain regions would be primarily affected?


A. Basolateral nuclei of the amygdala
B. Cortical nuclei of the amygdala
C. Posterior hippocampal formation
D. Temporal pole


Comment: The basolateral amygdala receives higher-order sensory information and processes this information for emotions. This includes the emotional content of speech and facial expressions. The cortical nuclei of the amygdala are important in aspects of pheromone sensing and olfaction. The posterior hippocampus is primarily for implicit memories. Finally, damage to the temporal pole is associated with personality changes and indiscriminate eating habits.

6. After sustaining a small temporal lobe stroke, a patient fails to express an increase in his heart rate when he sees a threatening image. Which nuclear group of the amygdala is most likely affected by the stroke?

A. Basolateral nuclei
B. Central nucleus
C. Extended amygdala/bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
D. Cortical nuclei amygdala

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6. After sustaining a small temporal lobe stroke, a patient fails to express an increase in his heart rate when he sees a threatening image. Which nuclear group of the amygdala is most likely affected by the stroke?


A. Basolateral nuclei
B. Central nucleus
C. Extended amygdala/bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
D. Cortical nuclei amygdala

7. The ventral tegmental area is thought to be important in reward. Which of the following choices lists the neurotransmitter released by the ventral tegmental area and the brain region that is the key site of action of the neurotransmitter?

A. 5-HT; orbitofrontal cortex
B. Dopamine; locus ceruleus
C. Norepinephrine; thalamus
D. Dopamine; ventral striatum

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7. The ventral tegmental area is thought to be important in reward. Which of the following choices lists the neurotransmitter released by the ventral tegmental area and the brain region that is the key site of action of the neurotransmitter?


A. 5-HT; orbitofrontal cortex
B. Dopamine; locus ceruleus
C. Norepinephrine; thalamus
D. Dopamine; ventral striatum

8. The ____ is the principal output tract of the cortical nuclei of the amygdala.

A. uncinate fasciculus
B. fornix
C. ventral amygdalofugal pathway
D. stria terminalis

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8. The ____ is the principal output tract of the cortical nuclei of the amygdala.


A. uncinate fasciculus
B. fornix
C. ventral amygdalofugal pathway
D. stria terminalis

9. Which of the following choices best describes the difference between neocortex and allocortex function and organization?

A. Neocortex mediates aspects of olfaction, whereas allocortex mediates vision.
B. Neocortex is located ventrally, on the base of the brain, and allocortex is located laterally.
C. Typically, neocortex has six layers and allocortex has three layers.
D. Allocortex, not neocortex, is susceptible to degeneration.

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9. Which of the following choices best describes the difference between neocortex and allocortex function and organization?


A. Neocortex mediates aspects of olfaction, whereas allocortex mediates vision.
B. Neocortex is located ventrally, on the base of the brain, and allocortex is located laterally.
C. Typically, neocortex has six layers and allocortex has three layers.
D. Allocortex, not neocortex, is susceptible to degeneration.

10. Which of the following statements best indicates how hippocampal formation neurons influence the rest of the brain?

A. Via the fornix
B. Via the fornix and back projections to the entorhinal cortex
C. Via the fornix and back projections to the entorhinal cortex and the uncinate fasciculus
D. Via the fornix and back projections to the entorhinal cortex, uncinate fasciculus, and stria terminalis

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10. Which of the following statements best indicates how hippocampal formation neurons influence the rest of the brain?


A. Via the fornix
B. Via the fornix and back projections to the entorhinal cortex
C. Via the fornix and back projections to the entorhinal cortex and the uncinate fasciculus
D. Via the fornix and back projections to the entorhinal cortex, uncinate fasciculus, and stria terminalis

All questions are obtained from Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas Fifth Edition, by John H. Martin, 2021. Copyright 2021 by McGraw Hill. Reprinted with permission. 

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